10 inspiring ideas for writing meaningful messages

10 inspiring ideas for writing meaningful messages

Having the ability to write a special, meaningful message is one of the ways that your Remember When Art cards are unique. In terms of what you write, really, the scope is endless.

In case you feel like you would like some ideas, here are ten prompts that may inspire you:

  1. Write how much this person means to you.

  2. Share what makes them special. (What makes you smile, feel supported or loved?)

  3. Include a favourite saying or quirky trait you associate with them.

  4. Record your favourite quotes, affirmations or poetry.

  5. Write about a funny or special shared memory.

  6. Recall memories of a special holiday.

  7. Celebrate a proud moment.

  8. Share a valuable life lesson.

  9. Their favourite joke. ("Knock, knock...")

  10. Write about their special hobby or talent.

About Kirstie Page

Kirstie Page is an Australian mixed media artist, classically trained musician and former dementia trainer with experience working on the front line in aged care. Kirstie creates beautifully uplifting artworks that incorporate her understanding of science and dementia to provide comfort and joy to people, including those living with dementia and other health conditions.


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