Hope is Never Lost

‘Hope is Never Lost’ Original mixed media painting of an Australian magpieby Kirstie Page

‘Hope is Never Lost’ Original mixed media painting of an Australian magpieby Kirstie Page

It’s been one of those weeks. You know the ones - testing on many different fronts…⁣

Through all the crazy ups and downs I’ve tried to remember that hope is never lost - that’s things will get better.⁣

My magpie represents Yin-Yang duality of life. That challenges and heartache and beauty and joy can coexist. I often think of them as being flip sides of the same coin.⁣

Poinciana blooms feature in abundance. This lovely flower will soon burst into bloom around Brisbane, Australia where I live. Symbolically the flower is said to eliminate doubts and hesitation and awaken clarity within. The perfect choice given the week that has been.⁣

A soothing background reinforces the messaging

A soothing background reinforces the messaging

⁣⁣⁣⁣A simple blue /green soothing background was featured for this piece. I experimented with patterns and leaves but decided on the end to allow the personality of the bird and the vibrancy of the blooms to shine without distraction. (I’ve been consciously seeking out little moments of still to recharge and recenter myself. It really does help.)⁣

I hope wherever you are with whatever may be happening in your life at the moment that you are able to truly believe that no matter what, hope is never lost. ⁣

About Kirstie Page

Kirstie Page is an Australian mixed media artist, classically trained musician and former dementia traine. Kirstie creates beautifully uplifting artworks that incorporate her understanding of science and symbolism to bring comfort and joy to people. Kirstie’s work has been featured in numerous galleries around Australia and her work is held widely in private collections around the world.

A community minded person, Kirstie is also an active member of The Gap Creative, an artists’ collective located in The Gap, Brisbane.

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